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A photo and lighting place! Here I'll post some stuff I've shot in the process of learning.

Since my move to Fujifilm equipment (WAY sharper & MUCH better than my old Nikon gear) , I now shoot with two Fuji X-E2 bodies and the NEW X-T2 from Sherry on my birthday!

* Fujinon XF10-24 f/3.5-4.8 R (SHARP across the range!)
Fujinon XF18-55 f/2.8-4.0 R (SHARP across the range!)
* Fujinon XF60 f/2.4 (SHARP across the range!)
* Fujinon XF55-200 f/3.5-4.8 R (Uber SHARP across the range!)

Flash stuff:
* 6 Yongnuo 560-IV with commander/transmitter.
* 6 Nikon SB-25/26/28s (old, manual, reliable, nice),
* (6) Pocket Wizard and (6) Yongnuo RF-603 radio flash triggers

tons of stands, umbrellas, soft-boxes, brolly boxes, mounts, hot & cold shoes (and some lukewarm ones), cords, spigots, clamps, pocket wizard triggers, reflectors, scrims, backdrops, adapters, snoots, grids, batteries , chargers, bags & cases, gewgaws, clamps, gimcracks, whatchamacallits, doohickeys, thingamajigs, whatnots, widgets, et cetera.

I love to shoot out on the street, but the technical aspects of photography/lighting are fascinating - and sometimes vexing. I am fortunate to shoot with motivated and inquisitive photographers.

I am available for portraits, senior photos & product photography.

Commercially printed copies (up to 24" x 36" of most photos seen here are available on high quality paper or mounted board for framing.

23 August 2010

Missouri State Fair - and other stuff

Went to the fair with Sherry and it was pretty good. I got 1 or 2 that I like.

The autograph
The autograph

Leaping dogs
Leaping dogs

A long day at the fair
Corn-dogs, the final straw

And, some street time...
A good read in the crosswalk

No smoking in the great outdoors
No smoking bw

Howard - How a school superintendent looks from a 3rd grader's perspective.
Howard - School Superintendant

Summer roof
The roof

There goes the neighborhood.
This little guy moved in out on my deck. He's about 1" across and lives in a curled-up leaf. Sherry held a flashlight (to focus with) and an sb-800 on a TTL cord while I shot these with a Nikkor 60mm micro.
Bad Actor

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